Partnership program and Job Fair at Laos National University
The project started a program at the National University of Laos over a week from 21 till 26 October 2019.
Following the introduction by the ASEAN Secretariat, Mr. Akihisa Tsujj from Tsujiko Co., Ltd gave a lecture on product development using butterfly peas. His dream of spreading “Vientiane Blue” to the world will make Laos colorful and enrich it’s economy.

At 24 October, program at Laos National University (Day 4), morning lecture. Lecturers were invited from Yoshinoya, which operates restaurants such as beef bowls in Japan. After that, we moved to Laos- Japan Institute (LJI) where is part of Laos National University for having the Job fair.
In LJI( ), they have Japanese department and there are more than 200 students study Japanese language. At the Job fair, more than 60 students was joined it.