2021 Partnership program
In 2021, travel restrictions and student commuting restrictions due to the COVID-19 occurred not only in Japan but also in ASEAN countries.
With lockdowns taking place in each city, it was not possible to move freely, and our partnership program was also affected by this, and all programs were held online.
While direct communication have been restricted, online communication have made it possible to interact across the boundaries of each country and university, and it was a year when more people participated in partnership programs than ever before.
The situation is still unstable, but I pray for your health and sincerely hope that we can meet and interact with each other in the near future.
Below is the curriculum at each university that was conducted online this year.
November 2021 at Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam
October 2021 at Visayas State University, Philippines
October 2021 at Universiti Purtra Malaysia, Malaysia
September 2021 at Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia
August to October 2021 at Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
August 2021 at Kasetsart University, Thailand
July 2021 at National University of Laos, Laos
In addition, please find the link below. You can see online partnership program picture from Facebook.